حواري على صحواري مع مرشح الرئاسه الامريكيه (Donald Trump ) يوم 25 شباط 2016
n order to live the people should die of other peoples. In order to keep
America dominates the world of the Iraqi people in order to kill the lie of the criminal prankster George W. Bush has been the destruction of Iraq under the cloak of religion has been the destruction of Iraq slogans teenager Bush firepower to the occupation of Iraq (shock and awe). (Liar duper Bush) I've got the mandate of heaven to rid the world of evil scattered. It was the destruction of Iraq. Thanks to the United States that Iraq presented a modest gift to Iran. Thanks for the beacon of freedom that Iraq has returned to the stone ages الجواب
I'm sorry. The Iraqi people will rise again. It is truly heartbreaking what you have dealt with.
I say use this opportunity to build up Iraq to what you want it to be. I don't know if you still live there. I know it's difficult to believe that one voice matters, but it does. When one person speaks up, it causes someone else to do the same. People of Iraq should unite and make it a much better place for future generations than it ever was beforeWe are trying to change that in the United States.
It's a corrupt government and it's all over the world. The Iraqi people did not deserve what was done to them
. George W. Bush and Tony Blair are war criminals and need to be treated as such. Majority of American people were against the war and protested time and time again. To say we live in a democracy is a joke because they do not listen to the people
. That's why we need to stand together
Do Politics, Time to Stand Together
23 فبراير ·
Whether someone is Muslim or Christian, Hindu or Atheist, Jew or Native American, Mexican or Irish, black or white, rich or poor (the list goes on...you get my point), we need to stand together against this medieval rhetoric that divides us.
We are smarter and more advanced, we know that grouping us together is not acceptable. We know racism and fascism does not work. Let's raise our voices and silence racism of any kind. We are in the 21st century!
http://m.huffpost.com/…/an-open-letter-to-my-frie_2_b_92936…عرض الترجمةفحة مرشح الرئاسه الامريكيه دونالد ترامب